went to my friend's 21st. am still waiting for the pics!

people have been so busy in life that they fail to notice all the small things around them. do you know the name of the road cleaner who sweeps at your void deck every morning? do you know the name of the toilet cleaner?do you even greet them? sure its their job, but they dont deserve to be treated like the residual class.

borrowed a couple of books! Kissing Toads and Wishful Thinking both by Jemma Harvey; Step on it, Cupid by Lorelei Mathias and The catch of the day: this book which has pictures of all the cool hotels in Africa/Middle East :) they didnt have The Kite Runner, Simply Divine, Remember me? and Change of Heart! all on loannnnn.
anddd i finally made a trip to ArtFriend!
in other news, LOST is back for good! my monday nights. together with PrisonBreak and Supernatural! :) and there's this show少年杨家将on sunday channel 8 1030pm.
one of my fav sites: http://browse.deviantart.com/photography/
dreamweavers, anyone?