this time, next year. cant wait!!!!!!
// 追求梦想, 并非易事. 路途不忘自我, 也难以预料. 态度胜定一切.
living for the moment..
// 追求梦想, 并非易事. 路途不忘自我, 也难以预料. 态度胜定一切.
frozen hot chocolate (doesnt make sense i know. but its really good!)
some mushroom crepe!! veh nice! forgot to take a pic till almost finishing...
their recommended chocolate waffle! choice of choc/vanilla icecream
chocolate fondue cake. never goes wrong.
movie was alllrrrightt la. dark knight was better. and they totally screwed up ancient china history. or u could say they saw the whole qin-emperor-and-burying-thousands-of-soldiers from a different perspective. got alot of funny scenes though. plus the nice smelling cologne.... (:
and thats what u get when u mix cordon bleu with red wine, white wine and hoegaarden. (: