its a little unsettling how sunsets can be so orange. i read from somewhere that the more orange a sunset is, the more polluted our planet/the ozone is. the beauty of mother nature. the irony.

in other news..... instant cupcake Take 3. (only cos it was expiring)
pour necessary condiments and add an egg. and STIR.
microwave for 1min 20secs.
results of not stirring. cos i cldnt rmb if i did the last time or not. :S (it kinda looks cute though)
failed attempt despite stirring on hindsight and micro-waving it again.
for the record, Take 1 was relatively successful despite adding water instd of egg. Take 2 was better though it didnt raise high enough.
ps. this week's GG is one of the best yet. i actually teared for B. :( when is N and V gonna end. sianx. and amazing race of cos. stupid tammy and victor.
so if you dont have quizzes to mug for, or is the king/queen of procrastination, or have a month's leave and have nothing to keep yourself busy with, try this!
food for thought.
sucks when you have to give up certain things when you have reached a certain milestone in your life. you know its a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, yet at the cost of your future. make your pick. sure you could endeavor, shift things around and make it possible to still participate in those activities. but time and social pressures are such huge obstacles. being able to do whatever you want, whenever has become a luxury.