Thursday, March 15, 2012


family day @ USS (theme was red&blue)
there was surprisingly vvvv little tourists/kids for a march hols+saturday! waiting time for each game was so short, you wouldnt believe it<-- yippiee!
Photobucketchiong to transformers rideeeee first!PhotobucketPhotobucket battlestarPhotobucket eygptian stuffPhotobucket jurassic park - we did get (more than expected) wetPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket far farr away - gingerbread man so cute!Photobucketmadagascar - i like to move it move it~Photobuckettoo cute!PhotobucketPhotobucketstupid penguin - was kicking up a fuss out of nothingPhotobucketuss parade - boooringggg.PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketthat's all folks. more uss photos here!