a family that makes popcorn together, stays together (:
step 1: buy kernels - we got ours at $1.40 for 500g (this is one-sixth. imagine how much popcorn concessionaires earn!)
step 1: buy kernels - we got ours at $1.40 for 500g (this is one-sixth. imagine how much popcorn concessionaires earn!)
step 2: pour kernels and oil in pan (submerge till same height) and put over fire; close lid and wait for the popping to start! step 3: when the popping quietens, wala! poppy poppy poppy (wow) optional steps: caramelise sugar and mix into popcorn for sweet, or add salt and do the shake for salted!its raining out there. now all we need is a good movie & bubbles (someone to snuggle up to would be a bonus)