Friday, July 25, 2008

spread the lurve

after a very disappointing cbd farewell lunch, no thanks to the downpour... went to become a bookworm while waiting for dinner.
cafe cartel for sandie's birthday!
left soon after an almost misunderstanding of "frolick" (see pic below) and a brainstorming session of where to do bad things/gatecrash so she'll end up in jail on her 22nd!, while the rest of us go girls/boys home.
[btw i digress.... check out joonelovesfood (atasss) and hisfoodblog (sinful to the max)! all about fooood.]
met the-lunch-crowd again at clarke quay, then substation (app both boat quay and this one full house!), then cityhall menotti (but closed down?!), so we ended up at starbucks... and wasted a night walking. the girls pls keep 8/8 free! anddd who's gg to org a monthly meet-up??

i dunno y they ended up being valentine-heartsy themed!

check out the carssssssssssss.

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